Before getting started with the case study of "Hanson Robotics" or before knowing about Sophia the Robot, we need to clear some topics first.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches, but advancements in machine learning and deep learning are creating a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry.
What is Machine Learning?
Machine learning is a branch of Artificial intelligence that covers the statistical part of Artificial Intelligence. It teaches the computer or machine to solve the problem by looking at hundreds or thousands of examples, learning from them and then using that experience to solve the same problem in new situation.
What is Deep learning?
Deep learning is a very special field of machine learning where computers can actually learn and make intelligent decisions on their own.
Deep learning involves a deeper level of automation in comparison with most Machine Learning algorithms.
Hansoon Robotics
Hanson Robotics is an AI and robotics company dedicated to creating socially intelligent machines that enrich the quality of our lives.
Founded by David Hanson, Ph.D., the Hanson team has built a worldwide reputation for creating robots that look and act genuinely alive, including renowned robot character Sophia the Robot. Our innovations in AI research and development, robotics engineering, experiential design, storytelling and material science bring robots to life as engaging characters, useful products, and as evolving AI.
“I had a fascination with art, science fiction, and philosophy, dreaming of what robots could be. I imagined that if artificial intelligence ever did match human intelligence that it would re-design itself to be ever smarter, ever faster, you would have something like a Moore’s Law of super intelligent machines.”
David Hanson, Ph.D.
Hanson Robotics is at the forefront of technology showcasing the fascinating intersection between robots and humans. Our science and research team focus on broad, yet also specific disciplines that support this mission such as artificial intelligence, materials science, robotics hardware development, psychology, narrative research, art, and even deeper philosophical areas.
Hanson Robotics works on AI and they train their robots by providing the data to them. They have built different Robots for different purposes and provided that robots according to their field.
Here are some Robots from Hanson Robotics:
- Sophia - Research and Custom Character Robot
- Little Sophia - Consumer Robot
- Han - Custom Character Robot
- Bina - Custom Character Robot
- Philip K Dick - Research Robot
- Jules - Custom Character Robot
- Joey Chaos - Custom Character Robot
- Alice - Custom Character Robot
- Albert Hubo - Custom Character Robot
- Professor Einstein - Consumer Robot
- Zeno - Research Robot
- Diego-San - Research Robot
Today we will discuss about the most famous Robot :
Hanson Robotics’ most advanced human-like robot, Sophia, personifies our dreams for the future of AI. As a unique combination of science, engineering, and artistry, Sophia is simultaneously a human-crafted science fiction character depicting the future of AI and robotics, and a platform for advanced robotics and AI research.
The character of Sophia captures the imagination of global audiences. She is the world’s first robot citizen and the first robot Innovation Ambassador for the United Nations Development Programme. Sophia is now a household name, with appearances on the Tonight Show and Good Morning Britain, in addition to speaking at hundreds of conferences around the world.
Sophia is also a framework for cutting edge robotics and AI research, particularly for understanding human-robot interactions and their potential service and entertainment applications. For example, she has been used for research as part of the Loving AI project, which seeks to understand how robots can adapt to users’ needs through intra and interpersonal development.
Sophia is Scarily similar to the AI powered robot in films, it can crack joke, make facial expression and seemingly understands whats going on around it.
Artificial Intelligence as seen in the movies like terminator skynet is called general AI.
It can learn from one experience and apply that knowledge to new situations as human do while some labs such as Hanson Robotics and slightly deceptive team at Facebook are working on general AI, nobody has been able to create it yet.
The architect of sophia's brain Hanson Robotics Chief Scientist Ben goertzel says-
Sophia is a sophisticated mesh of robotics and chatbot software, it does not have a Human like intelligence to construct those woody responses. Sophia is more of a user interface than a human being meaning it can be programmed run different code for different situations.
Typically Sophia's software can be down into three categories:
A research platform for the team's AI research. Sophia does not have witty pre-written responses here, but can answer simple questions like "Who are you? or is door open or shut?
A speech-reciting robot. Goeartzel says that Sophia can be pre-loadded with text that it will speak and then use machine learning to match facial expression and pauses to the text.
A robotic chatbot. Sophia also sometimes runs a dialogue system, where it can look at people, listen to what they say and choose a pre-written response based on what the person said and other factors gathered from the internet like crypyptocurrency price.
Sophia pieces together phases in a contextual appropriate way but she does not understand what she is saying
In Sophia case an image recognition algorithm
can detect the specific person face which can then cause another algorithm to pull up the possible pre-written phrases.
A transcription algorithm can turn the person's response into text which is then analyzed to be matched to an appropriate pre-written response or even a string of pre-written responses.
Thank you for your time.
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