Reverse Email Lookup using Proxycurl



Ever wonder what information you can get from the email of a person?

The information that you can get only from the Email address are:

  • Email address owner information
  • Email address owner Country
  • Job profile and associated social media account linked with the Email address
  • You can also get the phone number, permanent address and profile picture of the Email address owner

Now you might be thinking HOW?

 Using Reverse Email Lookup

Reverse Email Lookup: 

Reverse email lookup is the process of finding the identity of an email sender by using their email address. This can be used to confirm the identity of an email sender or to find out more information about them.

Use case of Reverse Email Lookup:

  • Scam and Fraud Prevention
  • Verification of Ecommerce Transactions
  • Credit Risks Analysis
  • HR Talent Identification

To know more about Reverse Email Lookup check the blog  3 Simple Methods To Do Reverse Email Lookup

How to perform Reverse Email Lookup?

Here comes Proxycurl into the picture.

Proxycurl is an excellent tool for obtaining and enriching data about people and companies. One of its many services include a  Reverse Work Email Lookup API which you can use to programmatically pull data into your applications.  

It provides an API, using which a reverse email lookup process can be run into your system and you can integrate it with your application.


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